Ruidoso Standby Generators
Whenever harsh weather, faults at power stations and damages to electric transmission lines cause your Ruidoso home or business to lose power, don’t you hate the helpless feeling that sinks in once you realize that this won’t pass in just a couple of minutes? We rely on power to get through our days and in the event that you are forced to go without it for an extended period of time, how do you plan on getting by? Well, you won’t have to rely on your survival instincts if you invest in a standby generator.
You never know when a power outage will arise. If you don’t want it to affect your home or business, then you need to be prepared with a backup power source and standby generators continue to be one of the best ways to have it when the main grid can’t supply the power you need.
If you want to invest in a standby generator for your Ruidoso home or business, then contact Rentschler Electric today. We have been proud to install and maintain standby generators for homes and businesses all over the area for an affordable price. We know that our clients need their standby generators to be reliable, which is why they continue to seek us out for our services as one of the most reliable electrical companies in the area.
To discuss what you’ll need out of a standby generator, give Rentschler Electric a call today.
How Do Standby Generators Work?
By and large, standby generators consists of two very important products: the standby generator itself and an automatic transfer switch. The two work together so that when your home or business loses power, it will only be a matter of seconds before the backup power takes over.
Both the standby generator and the automatic transfer switch are professionally installed by members of Rentschler Electric’s skilled team to your building’s existing wiring. The generator will sit constantly at the ready and when the system senses that there’s been an interruption with the utility power flowing through your home or business, it takes over within seconds. And once the generator system senses utility power is back online, power is automatically transferred back to utility power and the standby generator shuts down until the next time it’s needed.
Types of Standby Generators
Standby generators are largely divided into two categories: natural gas or liquid propane and diesel or gasoline.
Standby generators that run on natural gas or liquid propane are connected directly to supply lines. These tend to be more efficient systems, but if the municipal gas supply lines become damaged during a natural disaster, the generator will not work.
Diesel or gasoline generators might require the installation of a permanent fuel tank, but at least gasoline is typically easy to find.
Contact Us Today
For all your residential and commercial standby generator needs, look no further than Ruidoso’s most trusted professionals at Rentschler Electric.